If you are looking for a new church, or considering visiting our church for the very first time, we want you to be able to walk in on any Sunday morning and feel comfortable.
We understand that walking into any new situation can sometimes feel a little daunting, and we realise churches are no different.
We are confident however, that once you're here, it won't take you long to feel welcomed and familiar in your surroundings.
To give you a head's up on what to expect, we've put together a few points of interest for you. Hopefully this will answer some FAQ's.

Where do I park?
The church is located in a residential area, just near the corner of Kiewa Ave
and Guava St. There's a small car park on the premises, but you'll find that
many people also park along the roadside out front.
Do you have wheelchair and/or pram access?
Yes we do! When you arrive, you'll notice there are ramps located at the front and the side of the chapel, however, we no longer use the front entry. Come to the side door and you will be warmly greeted there and assistance will be available should you need it. We also have accessible toilet facilities located at the end of the hall.
What do I do with the kids?
Children are extremely important to us at Red Cliffs Church of Christ, and they are always welcome!
It's perfectly fine for you to sit anywhere with your children during the service. However, if you'd prefer it, there is a reserved seating area at the back of the church with puzzles and an assortment of toys and activity packs to keep younger children occupied.
We also have baby change facilities and a toddler step located in the largest of our three toilets, adjacent to the hall.
So, tell me about your service
Our service style varies a little from week to week, with each worship leader bringing their own flavour.
Communion is celebrated each week. If you are unfamiliar with what communion is, through eating a small piece of bread and a small cup of grape juice, we are remembering Christ and all that He has done for us in his life, death and resurrection.
In 1 Corinthians 11:24-26 we read: And when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, "This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me." In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me." For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. (NIV).
On a typical week, Communion is followed by a 20 minute message that is based on scripture, and relevant to everyday life.
Do I need to give money?
During our service each week, offerings and tithes are received to help continue the work of our church in the community... locally, nationally and globally. As our guest, please do not feel any pressure to give.
What happens afterwards?
Following the service, many people linger for a cuppa while the kids can play in our secure playground area outside.
On the 2nd Sunday of each month we enjoy a shared lunch together after the service.
We love to use these times to get to know visitors! Please feel welcome to stay, enjoy our company and make new friends. If you have any questions about the service, there will always be someone happy to chat with you.
And finally, how do we stay in touch?
If you'd like to find out more about our services and church family, then we encourage you to speak with one of our leaders and pass on your details. We'd love to stay in touch with you!
Facebook is another way. You can find us by searching for Red Cliffs Church of Christ, and feel welcome to send a message via the FB inbox if you'd like to.
We look forward to meeting you soon!
Life groups are a wonderful way to study the Bible, ask questions that you might never ask in Church as well as making new friends.
We have several groups on offer throughout the week, so please feel welcome to contact someone in our leadership team and they will be happy to help you find the perfect group.
​Life Groups - Various times during the week
Retreat (Women's Group) - 10:00am Wednesdays weekly
At the Red Cliffs Church of Christ, we place a high value in supporting our local community.
Our Hope Chest is how we as a Church, support our members and the wider community. It is a practical way for us to reflect Christ’s presence to those around us. These funds are used at the discretion of the Elders to support people in a number of ways including with groceries, bill payments, gift vouchers, and the provision of meals. Further information about the Hope Chest can be found here.